Sergio has worked at various levels of senior Leadership and Board level roles mainly in Mozambique, including:
UNITRANS Mozambique:
To direct the implementation of business strategies and plans to meet Company targets for growth, profitability and return on investment for the business units in Mozambique, in close cooperation with respective executives of the Key Vertical companies, in Unitrans Group, as relevant.
To optimize the results of the business units through the implementation of performance-based management principles on the operational, people, financial, customer and technical activities of the business.
MILLENIUM Challenge Corporation Compact Program for Mozambique:
As the Private Sector Development Specialist, was responsible for ensuring that Mozambique’s project proposals reflect opportunities to expand private investment within and around specific investments financed by the MCC, and to increase the long-term impact and sustainability of the compact programme.
Contribute to the development of plans for public consultations and stakeholder engagement. Lead the organization, management and implementation of opportunities for companies and private investors, in order to ensure that their opinions are captured and taken into account, during the process of compact development and project design.